The new 2023 Valuation List will come into effect next week on 1 April. New rates bills are expected imminently and ratepayers are advised to review these carefully and report any inaccuracies to Land and Property Services.
The current 2020 Valuation List closes next Friday 31 March so there is still a limited amounted of time to submit an application to challenge the rateable value of a property in the current list.
At Gowlands, we provide expert knowledge and advice on all business rates matters.
Our experience dates back as early as the 2003 General Revaluation, and we have worked through the 2015 and 2020 Revaluations in Northern Ireland and the 2010 and 2017 Revaluations in England and Wales. From Power Stations to Workshops and Factories, Hotels to Pubs and Restaurants, Airports to Sporting Facilities and Stadiums, we work with clients across a highly diverse range of sectors to mitigate their business rates liabilities.
If you, or anyone in your network, would like to find out more about how we can help you to reduce your rates bill, please do get in touch.
📞: +44 (0) 28 7051 7561 or 📱: +44 (0) 7808 514 643